Alma is a second volley MG with armor buffing tiles. Among other common MGs of this type, she performs the best because of the extra stats provided by her special equipment. Her skill is essentially an 80% self-buff. However, since there are three individual guns per link when the skill is up, it avoids corpsewhipping and gets triple penalized by armor penalties. She also has some synergy with Jill’s Brantini giving her an extra second of skill uptime, 5 seconds being how long MGs fire anyways, so that can be a nice addition. For teams that want an MG that does decent first volley and well in second volley and provides tiles for armor stacking, Alma is a good fit.
High Accuracy
Alma’s base accuracy of 31 is higher than average for an MG, and means she has better performance against low to medium evasion
Has a special equipment
She has an advantage in firepower due to her special equip’s extra 6, reaching a high value of 95 for an MG
2nd Volley Skill
2nd volley MGs are hardly ever in demand, as most MG fights focus on beating the enemy in the 1st volley.