MICA’s attempt to improve an awful MG, which is unsurprisingly underwhelming.
Bren Mod’s first neural upgrade provides the majority of her stat increases, taking her base Firepower stat to actually really good 96 by level 110. The usual skill improvement and tile improvement also come, but extra accuracy and 1 more round on skill are not as important.
Her skill 2 upon unlocking mod 2 is often considered to be the accuracy version of Negev, since it stacks additional accuracy and clip size after each reload, up to a maximum of 3 stacks.
Bren Mod’s mod 3 speq gives a boatload of firepower and accuracy and crit, probably to make up for how shit her base was.
So, if it wasn’t clear already, Bren Mod is an accuracy focused MG. Like, incredibly accuracy focused. Her skill 2 gives about a 52% accuracy increase at full stacks, but gives almost nothing in terms of raw DPS.
But as always, there are no fights where this would be remotely applicable. MGs should not be fighting evasive enemies in the first place, much less for long enough for Bren Mod to reload 3 times. Since she’s increasing her clip size each stack and her skill 1 Lock and Load also increases her clip size, the time it takes for each reload takes longer and longer. Even evasion-focused and high-hp enemies that drag the fight for a long time like Patrollers, where she should be specialized, have so much evasion that Bren’s final accuracy is laughable.
Her Lock and Load skill still gives a pathetic 30% firepower bonus, so her high firepower stat combined with extra from her special equipment would be her only contribution. In that sense her stopping point for neural upgrade would be mod 1, but if anyone is going to invest into her that much, they could just use other MGs that still completely outperform her like Lewis, or RPK-203.
Seriously don’t raise this unit, much less mod her.