!name is a SMG with a toggle-able effect, cycling through 3 self-buffs.
The default is 65% Evasion, active from the very moment Combat starts. This is decent, especially for tanking attacks before most other SMGs would have a chance to get their Skills up. Outside this super early niche however, she’s got a fairly weak multiplier when compared to other options, and newer Mods make her largely irrelevant. The Login SPEQ effect for this is completely pointless, 32.5% Evasion for a fellow SMG is just not worth it.
The second buff is 85% Damage. This is too low to be of any use with an SMG, having extremely low base Damage. The Login SPEQ effect for this is a permanent 42.5% Damage buff, which isn’t terrible, but she’s competing for the slot against Ribeyrolles Mod, who brings far more to the table than just a passive Damage buff.
The third buff is 200% Accuracy. This is only Accuracy, on an SMG who already has extremely low base Accuracy. This is completely pointless. The Login SPEQ effect for this is a 100% Accuracy buff, which doesn’t really help much in comparison to her Damage buff.
Overall, !name is usable for fights where you need incredibly early defenses, though these days there are better ways to do this (P10C or Zip .22 for example). Her buffing potential ends up being somewhat equal with strong HGs, with a bit higher uptime, though requires kiting to move her into the back column (to get both her tiles and buff effect). As such, !name is at best optional, and there is little reason to raise her.