Colt M1851N functions similarly to Walker, having very strong tiles while permanently applying a penalty to your own team, while also preventing the enemy from gaining Damage buffs.
Colt M1851N’s most notable effects are her immense RoF/Crit Rate tiles combined with a 30% Vulnerability debuff, offering great potential in a RFHG. This however, comes with a MASSIVE penalty to Accuracy, effectively giving your Echelon a permanent Night Debuff that cannot be mitigated through PEQs or Flares. Unless you are 100% sure you will not be fighting enemies with even modest Evasion, you should not be using Colt M1851N.
Where Walker’s kit allows her to fit in pretty easily if preventing Murats from buffing their allies is needed, the same cannot be said for Colt M1851N. Murats are a Paradeus unit, and Paradeus units have pretty extreme Evasion, meaning that the Accuracy penalty is absolutely horrendous and she cannot perform the same role.
Please don’t try to use Colt M1851N unless you know what you’re doing, you’re going to be unable to hit enemies.