A rifle way ahead of its time, EM-2 is a 4★ AR obtainable from construction that really sets herself apart from the crowd.
Her skill, Cookie Blam Shot, allows EM-2 to deal massive burst damage with three extremely powerful shots. EM-2 is in her prime when fighting sub-100k bosses and similar high HP enemies. Since these three powerful slots never miss, she proves her worth in night battles too.
In fights against more general enemies, EM-2 still manages to hold her own against common self-buff ARs. Given that even basic foes can have considerable HP values, her skill still has value and is not as prone to overkilling to the extent one might think.
What EM-2 offers is something that is both highly useful and not found on almost any other AR. In situations where you need a lot of damage quickly, little can match EM-2’s immediate output.