Awkward Firing Pace
Falcon fires at a fixed rate of once every second and reloads when emptying her small 2-round Magazine, reminiscent of the ZVI Falcon's design in real life. In a real battle, her shots tend to go like this:
- (0s) Fires shot #1
- (1s) Fires shot #2, starts reloading (takes 2.8s without RoF buffs)
- (3.8s) Reload finishes
- (4.8s) Fires shot #3
- (6s) Fires her Skill, then immediately fires shot #4 afterward.
It's a very awkward attack cadence and means Falcon will usually empty her first magazine into low-threat meat shields as they tend to be the first enemies to enter player attack range. When higher value targets like Jaegers/Strikers come into range, Falcon would thus be reloading and contributing no DPS, causing the player to take unnecessary damage.
Low Skill Multiplier
Falcon's charged shot only has a
2.5x Damage multiplier. While it can critically strike, this still puts it far behind other charged-shot RFs like
M82A1 or
TAC-50 who don't have the demerit of a fixed slow Rate of Fire, making it hard for Falcon to deal enough damage to work in the assassination role that a charged-shot RF typically fills.
While Falcon does gain a Damage and Accuracy buff for holding onto her special bullets, this is detrimental to her DPS and is not recommended.
Does not work with Jericho
Jericho does not provide Falcon with any on-reload buffs despite her needing to reload like an MG. While this is probably a bug, this potentially fun interaction sadly doesn't work.