Full analysis
- Mark of Death only applies if the enemy gets hit, and is portrayed as a skull over the enemy’s head and a “30%” under their feet.
- Gepard M1 Mod prioritizes the furthest enemy that she has not attempted to mark with her passive.
- After exhausting all new targets, Gepard M1 Mod returns to normal backline targeting.
- Her targeting does get affected by enemy taunt skills.
- Fatal damage is a big hit (99999 damage per link) that should kill most things, but it is affected by damage reduction like from force shields and Orthrus shields, so it is not a guaranteed kill.
You might not need to level Gepard M1 Mod’s skill 1, since if it’s not being used in favor of her self buff, she does not need its damage multiplier increase or cooldown reduction.
In total, Gepard M1 Mod’s selfbuff from her IWS-esque passive skill is about 54%. Factoring in the effective 42.86% makes it a 120% DPS self buff. Since it’s a passive, the buff is on all of the time. Needless to say, that'd be pretty strong, but she is unable to use her fatal damage on elite targets, so her effectiveness relies on there being fewer of them.
Gepard M1 Mod’s effectiveness is also held back by her strange targeting, prioritizing enemies she has not attempted to mark. This makes her incredibly bad at focusing down highly dangerous enemies because she does not stick to shooting them if other enemies are in the area.
The Mod SPEQ has 200 AP and 8 FP, so less than the 10 FP from sniper. Mod 2 is enough for Gepard M1 Mod. A cape should be equipped instead of rangefinder, because Gepard M1 Mod’s DPS will be more from her auto attacks and therefore crit damage rather than her bamboo. The lowered icd from the skill 1 to get her self buff earlier shouldn’t matter except for extremely short fights.