As one of the most underwhelming MGs in GFL, MG4 desperately needed a boost from her Neural Upgrade. Fortunately for her, this Neural Upgrade does deliver, with a caveat that it does require her to be Mod 3 and use her Special Equipment. While MG4’s Mod 2 is still a nice boost it ultimately doesn’t give her enough extra oomph to be worth it on its own. As such, this analysis will be predicated on taking MG4 to Mod 3 and using her Special Equipment.
From the off, MG4 gets herself some serious stat boosts from her Neural Upgrade, totaling 9 Damage and 4 Accuracy across all three upgrades, as well a very welcome Armor tile boost. While the Accuracy isn’t a major bonus, Damage goes a long way to patching up MG4’s lackluster base Damage, especially with the improved version of Lock and Load that MG4 gets with her upgrade. As an MG, she doesn’t care about the boosts to HP, RoF, or Evasion. Her tiles get a buff as well, pushing to a nice 18% Armor tile, All of this pales in comparison to the real star of the show here, MG4’s Skill 2 ‘Haunted House Hammer’, when combined with her Special Equipment.
Starting from the top, MG4’s Skill 2 finally gives some value to Lock and Load, making the additional bullets it grants deal additional damage equal to up to 25% of the excess AP. If an enemy has 100 Armor, MG4 will get 25% of 500 as additional Damage. This even applies to unarmored units which means MG4 gets a wonderful 150 bonus Damage against targets without a base Armor value. This goes hand in hand with the next big boost MG4 gets.
Note: This extra Ammo effect applies to any kind of extra ammo, not just the ammo granted by Lock and Load. This can be useful when combined with other sources of extra ammo, such as SPAS-15.
MG4’s free SLAP Ammo comes with a side benefit, by causing every shot she fires to ricochet up to three times, dealing 10% of MG4’s Damage per hit. While this Damage is not massive, across MG4’s entire belt, it adds up to a nice boost in damage across entire groups of enemies. The Range on the ricochet is equally impressive hitting anything that is inside the firing range of your Echelon. Thus, it won’t be damaging enemies who are still walking into the fight but it can absolute chip away at backline enemies such as Gunners while the bigger frontline units are beaten down.
The additional effect of reducing enemies hit by the ricochet by 1 per hit is also nice as a small bonus.
MG4's 3-set upgrades her ricochets, as well as granting additional buffs to the Echelon based on the total number of reloads across the entire Echelon. At the max amount, MG4 grants all MGs and SGs +30% Crit Damage and +100 flat Damage. This is very very strong and if you are Modding MG4, it would be highly recommended to get her 3-set.
Note that her GZ SPEQ has very poor upgrade values (going from +3 to +5 Damage) compared to the massive cost, so leaving it at +0 wouldn't be a terrible idea.