Type: MG
Rarity: 5 *
Obtainable from:
Affects SG
Stat | Value (per dummy link) |
HP | (x1) (x2) (x3) (x4) (x5) |
RECOV | (x1) (x2) (x3) (x4) (x5) |
DMG | |
ROF | Max cap |
ACC | |
EVA | |
CRIT % | % |
Lewis is a 5★ MG available as a reward for completing the Isomer Event. Commanders used to the old meta might look at Lewis and think she’s a miss, but nothing could be further from the truth. Lewis stands proud as one of the strongest MGs available.
To begin with, her stats are exceptional. She carries a whopping 102 FP and respectable 31 Accuracy. Her tiles are also perfect, having an ideal layout and optimal buffs for shotguns.
Her skill, Dynami, comes with both a passive and active effect. The active portion is a standard FP boosting skill, further adding to her already amazing damage output. The passive portion gives her more ammo and faster reloads with every subsequent reload up to 3 times. Despite the phrasing, this passive is active during her first volley.
Commanders on the EN server might have gotten used to MGs which excel in the second volley being lackluster compared to the likes of the “Big 4”, but Lewis’s monstrous offensive stats allow her to deal close to 90% of PKP’s damage in the first volley with no skill while providing a great Armor tile buff and strong second-volley potential on top of it. With enemies getting consistently stronger in future fights, the importance of Armor tile buffs and 2nd-volley DPS will only increase, tipping the scales in Lewis’s favor since she carries all the tools to make an exceptional MG in this meta.
Her combination of amazing stats, perfect tiles, and a strong skill make Lewis a force to be reckoned with. Best of all, just clearing Isomer will guarantee a copy of Lewis - no need to try crafting expensive MGs! This angel is one who definitely won’t miss her mark.
(...as long as you don’t need to fight any emus.)
Lewis comes with an incredible FP stat of 102. This gives her the second highest damage of any MG at time of writing (tied with Chauchat and beat by Kord). On top of this, she also has a great accuracy stat of 31.
Lewis cannot be faulted at all with her tile layout and bonuses. From position 4, she buffs positions 3, 6, and 9. In a standard MGSG, she can occupy any position that an MG would normally be placed in and benefit the SGs up front.
On top of this, these tiles give a phenomenal 15% armor and 10% accuracy. The accuracy is a nice little bonus to improve knockback procs, but the main benefit is that 15% armor boost, which other high-DPS MGs do not provide. This will aid the SGs greatly in tanking enemy fire and Lewis’s great offensive power makes her a compelling pick over other 15% Armor buffers.
Dynami is Lewis’s skill which offers both an active and a passive side. Both parts contribute greatly to Lewis’s overall DPS.
The active side boosts her FP by 75% for 6 seconds. Due to the 8s initial cooldown, this will most likely activate during her second volley unless she happens to prolong her first volley by moving. Combined with her already huge FP, this is a substantial damage boost for the second volley.
The passive side gives her an extra ammo count and 15% reduced reload time with each reload up to three times, maxing out at +3 ammo count and 45% reduced reload time. The effect is already good, but what makes it better is the fact that Lewis’s first volley gets the first bonus, so Lewis needs to only reload twice to get the full effect.
GIF Source: https://www.bilibili.com/read/cv4094534/
This combo of FP boosting, increased ammo counts, and faster reloads all work together to give Lewis a lot of sustained DPS that few other MGs can match.
Lewis does not have an immediate damage buff on her first volley, so she will technically deal slightly less damage than the Big 4 MGs (or M1918 BAR Mod) for fights that end before MGs need to reload.
Fortunately, her stats are so good that this doesn’t matter in practice. In short fights, she’ll perform competitively with MGs who have passive or low-ICD burst skills; in any battle lasting more than one volley, Lewis pulls ahead by a massive margin thanks to her excellent self-buff.