!name is an MG that deals increased Damage with every 4th hit.
MGs in general have several major issues that cause them to be ineffective for general content in comparison to ARs and RFs. They spend large amounts of time reloading, they have low Accuracy and their targeting is random. Add in the fact that their supposed niche in “burst damage” only applies for the first few seconds of a fight, and a good RF or AR will outperform them shortly after Skills come into play, long before the fight is over. !name does not alleviate any of these issues and as such, is not recommended for general use.
Note that some older guides will call Terminating Barrage MGs the “Big 4”. They may have been some of the better MGs at some point in the past, but this does not mean they have kept up with new enemies, Doll and Mods being added. Again, !name is not recommended for general use.