By the power of being a protagonist, M4 SOPMOD II MOD (SOPMOD), the modification of a modification of a modification, gets a decent neural upgrade. Sadly this still doesn't solve her main weakness of being a grenadier with an 8 second ICD.
Her base critical hitrate improves to 30%. Her base stats improve. She gets a glorified EOT. All of this combines to take her already strong base stats and special quirks to the next level, matching basic self-buffer ARs in terms of DPS without her own self-buff.
Due to SOPMOD being unable to equip Chips, her MOD III SPEQ has gotten a massive buff to compensate this, giving 35 Damage. As such, if you really want to use SOPMOD for some reason, you will likely want to MOD III her so she can be at least partially competitive with other AP Grenadiers. This still won't fix her ICD issues though.
SOPMOD’s skill 2, Hysterical Circus, improves her original skill massively. On top of their cooldowns, Anti-Personnel grenades have an issue of their small radius making them sometimes only kill single targets that happen to be isolated. SOPMOD’s Skill 2 attempts to solve this by randomly spreading out three other weaker grenades to reach other enemies right after the first one detonates. This can finish off weakened enemies or hit portions of the pack that she completely missed with the initial grenade, boosting the reliability and effectiveness of her skill massively.
Unfortunately, SOPMOD is overshadowed by the existence of another grenadier AR mod. HK416 MOD has a pretty massive advantage over her by simply having an AP grenade skill that is 2 seconds faster, where the window for damage dealing before the frontline collapses occurs more often.
Besides those drawbacks, SOPMOD is still a solid AR in general. Her kit is almost strong, but still lacks the ICD reduction. She covers one of the main problems with AP Grenades. Her stats can contest with even selfbuffing ARs.