MAT-49 is a self-buffing SMG, gaining buffs based on the amount of enemies alive.
Upon Skill activation, MAT-49 gains:
- 3 stacks of Damage buff for the first enemy.
- -1 stack of Damage buff per additional enemy, down to 0.
- +1 stack of Evasion buff per additional enemy, up to 6.
With 4 enemies on the field, she’d gain 0 Damage buffs and 3 Evasion buffs.
As she ends up with 0 Damage stacks against pretty much any fight that isn’t a Boss fight, it’s best to think of her as a generic Evasion self-buffing SMG in most cases. In such cases, she’s likely to reach her cap of 6 Evasion buffs, which ends up granting her quite a high Evasion multiplier. That said, newer enemies often have plenty of attacks that simply ignore Evasion, so she’s not really that useful. Especially when you consider that Suomi Mod exists.
Against a single enemy (for example a boss), she still gains a lower Damage multiplier than SR-3MP, and is not recommended to be used as a DPS.
Overall, MAT-49 is an old SMG without the defensive tools of newer SMG Mods, and will struggle with newer enemies, while you already have RO635 for free from Story Chapter 7-6 for older content. As such, she is not recommended for use.