!name is a defensive SMG, summoning holograms with her Skill to distract enemies.
!name’s Skill summons holograms based on how many links she has left. If only one link remains, she will only summon one hologram. She also gains some Evasion buffs for a short duration after taking more than 5% of her Max HP or after using her Skill, but these are mostly just bonuses and aren't the main focus of her Skill. While !name isn’t a bad SMG, her Skill has a rather long ICD (the holograms take almost a full second to appear, meaning her ICD is effectively almost 7s), and only remains active for a rather short duration, making her similar to Force Shielders in use cases.
With her SPEQ, !name also summons a second pair of holograms after 3 seconds, massively increasing the effectiveness of her stalling, though it still isn’t the best for general content.
All in all, !name has a somewhat long ICD, low uptime and enemies that easily retarget will shred through her holograms in no time. As such, !name is a bit more of a niche pick and is optional to raise.