Rex Zero 1 appears to be quite the fan of Cyberpunk 2077, because she decided to go and get herself an upgrade that borrows a bike that I’m pretty sure I’ve seen cruising around the streets of Night City.
Overall, Rex gets to enjoy a number of nice upgrades that make her a good Position 8 HG. With her new Skill 2, Imperishable Front, Rex will spawn a drone whenever anyone loses a dummy link. The drone will spawn slightly in front of that unit and inherits the complete stats of the corresponding doll and has a full single link’s worth of health. Typically this drone will serve the unit as a form of protection, though do note that the drone doesn’t move if you choose to move the doll that spawned it. In any case, the spawned drones do serve as a nice distraction that will help keep your team safe for longer.
For generic buffs, her tiles now cover the entire backline from Position 8 and give a solid Damage boost. Her Skill 1 also got a nice buff, though do note that it still specifically gives a shield to the leader and a Damage boost to everyone else. Her Special Equipment is quite the spectacle though: When she is equipped with it, she will ride into battle on her Cyberpunk motorcycle and quite literally ram the enemy team with it. This will deal some damage and reduce their movement for a short duration. Think of it like a miniature Beach Fairy, but unfortunately without any knockback.
All in all, Rex Zero receives quite a good upgrade. Everything in her upgrade is nice and helpful and will overall be a nice benefit to whatever teams you field her in. That being said, a lot of what she offers isn’t particularly unique or necessary for high end ranking content, so she’s far from a mandatory investment. If you do upgrade her, MOD2 offers the most overall bang, both offering the drones and making her Skill stronger than P22’s. MOD3 offers that extra early stalling utility, and can be nice.