RO635’s mod is mostly centered around her Skill2, granting her a chance to roll Evasion against any instance of damage that deals less than one of her links’ health (roughly 200 health).
At Mod1, she simply gains a small increase to her tiles and an additional debuff with her Skill1.
At Mod2, she gains her new Skill2. With this, she has a base 20% chance to roll Evasion against any damage she would take (after normal Evasion), plus an additional 10% per stack of applicable debuffs on the enemy attacking her (Damage, Accuracy, Rate of Fire, Movement Speed and Seal of the Avenger). With just her own Skill, she applies 2 of these debuffs to all enemies, meaning there’s a 40% chance she’ll roll this Evasion chance. The Seal of the Avenger interaction is mostly relevant against single targets like bosses, as she does not spray with her auto-attacks and only applies it to her own target.
The main issue with RO635’s Mod is that it relies on debuffs on targets, and her base uptime (5/12) is not very impressive. To perform well, she requires additional support from allies (such as higher debuff uptime). In optimal situations, there are few Dolls that can be as tanky as her, but this requires significant setup and investment, and is not something that is usable in general content.
RO635’s SPEQ-set increases her buff uptime to 8/12 and grants her 100 HP Shields upon Skill1 activation. This massively increases her survivability, allowing her to catch up to some of the other 6☆ SMG Mods.