Rejoice, for at long last we can finally complete Singularity!
Memes aside, SAA MOD is a strong HG and offers a lot to all players. On top of her enhanced tiles and Skill 1, her new Skill 2, Duel Survivor, periodically increases the Rate of Fire and Accuracy of all allies every 4 seconds (up to 3 stacks). Combined with her already decent damage boosting capabilities, what you have now is an incredible HG who buffs team DPS while also synergizing with dolls that proc off of receiving buffs like M500 MOD. As a fun fact, you can even reduce the interval between her Skill 2 boosts with RF cooldown reduction tiles..
The versatility of what SAA MOD offers makes her a worthwhile Neural Upgrade for most commanders. As she is a support through and through, her MOD3 Special Equipment is not particularly beneficial, so it is recommended to upgrade her to MOD2.