Full analysis
SV-98 -- due to her mediocre Skill -- doesn’t see much use in endgame HGRF Echelons. The first quality to note about SV-98 is her above average stats, especially for her rarity. The 2 and 3 star RFs, even compared to other classes, have very poorly distributed stats, with most of them having low Damage, RoF, or both. SV-98, however, has better than average stats, with an Rof of 37, which is high even for RFs of higher rarities, and a Damage stat of 122, which, while it is only average overall, is high for a 3 star RF. Thanks to these factors, SV-98’s pre-6 seconds DPS is actually on the higher side for RFs -- but this isn’t enough to mitigate her weaknesses. The second quality to note is SV-98’s main problem, her Skill. SV-98’s version of the Aimed Shot Skill has a 5 second Initial Cooldown, shooting one target and dealing up to 550% of her Damage stat. The general issue with this Skill is that RFs, because of their high Damage stat and low RoF stat, tend to perform much worse against normal mobs compared to other offensive classes of units and therefore need self-buff Skills to help them shoot faster or deal more damage to OHKO. With Aimed Shot Skills, however, RFs cannot make up for this issue, forcing their DPS to be a lot lower than it would be otherwise. Another problem with the Aimed Shot Skill is the damage it deals. As previously mentioned, out of all RFs, SV-98’s Damage stat is only average, on top of the Skill having a lower multiplier due to her being a 3 star. Due to these two factors, SV-98’s Aimed Shot deals much less damage when compared to the higher rarity RFs’ Aimed Shots, and for this reason it isn’t fit for practical use. Still, this doesn’t mean that SV-98 is useless. As mentioned before, SV-98 has very good stats for a 3 star, and in addition, her rarity means she can be leveled with little to no core expenditure -- which is a big advantage, considering how much of a commodity cores are in the early game. With these two elements combined, SV-98 becomes a very solid doll to level for a first HGRF Echelon when cores are scarce and better, higher rarity dolls may not be available. Even then, however, she gets completely outclassed by M14, who has better stats, a much better Skill, and is even easier to obtain, as she is given for free through a few avenues. Regardless, as a second option early on, SV-98 is a solid 3 star RF.