!name is a Stun Grenade SMG, stunning enemies on hit.
Grenade travel time combined with ICD makes these rather slow at having an impact in battle. Adding in the fact that most newer enemies are immune to stuns and Stun Grenade SMGs do not have any other means of increasing their survivability means that !name is not recommended for use.
Mod review
Type 64’s mod is both unique and unfortunate in that her mod brings a unique skill to the table on a doll that really shouldn’t be heavily considered for late-game content. Although her skill is currently unique in the EN server, with no other stun doll being able to affect stun immune enemies, there isn’t a convincing reason to mod her for this niche. Thankfully, there are stillworse ways you can spend your neural fragments.
What she brings to the table in terms of her unique skill is overshadowed heavily by her weak stats and lackluster performance as a support with a non-DPS skill. While there may be certain fights where a 8 second on/off accuracy debuff for bossing may be helpful, none of the currently available fights present such a challenge that such a niche skill would be applicable in, and by the time there will be on the EN server other superior mods such as UMP 9 will be available. The one limited use she has she already shares with other stunners with higher stats (like UMP 9 non mod), and that’s if the player knows how to kite large mobs of enemies and can stall them until the stun takes place, following up with the AR’s to sweep the floor with the mob using a grenade and/or other powerful self buff skills. Overall, she’s a hard mod to recommend due to how awkwardly she sits in the stack compared to other flash dolls such as Ump 9 and Type 79, and comes off as a low priority mod at best.
Unique skill II
Commanders willing to spend the extra data on her may find special use cases for her in ARSMG fights against certain elite enemies and bosses, albeit with limited utility due to her pretty run-of-the-mill statbase. The HG-like duration of the debuff also regains a lot of the downtime of the average stun skill
Stun duration upped to 4 seconds
This upgrade may not seem like much, and in battles that last less than ~11 seconds it isn’t, but it does have the side-effect of letting you invest less data into stun skills to save for other dolls if you’re only going for Mod 1
Good stand in for logistics great success
For any of those SKK’s out there that already have all the medium and high [priority neural modifications], having an extra mod doll to throw in logistics can be listed as one positive trait of Type 64 mod
Negligible stat improvements from mod I to max mod III
Even with her mod improvements, her performance as a tanker is still barely in line with UMP9
Overshadowed by later stun mods
Although Type 64’s stun does apply a unique debuff to elite enemies immune to stuns, this will later be outdone by UMP9’s neural modification which is tied to the upcoming major story event. UMP9’s evasion is significantly higher, her healthpool greater, she can equip 2 SPEQ’s, her enhanced stun grenade lasts 4.5 seconds instead of only 4 and she has a more generally useful elite-enemy skill than Type 64 (Self buffs herself +25% EVA + gives a 25 HP shield to all allies!)