Back, hotter, and more armoured, 97S Mod fixes several issues. She now sports a decent 22 base Armor, a beefier HP pool (though she still loses to SPAS-12), a beautiful Mod III art, and… that’s it.
Her Skill 2 slows down enemies for ONE MISERABLE SECOND (and yes, that doesn’t scale with levelling it, only the movement decrease does), which means that her Skill 2 is essentially useless. Realistically, the only reason to go for her Mod III is for her art alone, as her SPEQ is just an Armor Plate that slightly buffs Evasion instead of reducing it.
With her SPEQ-set, this issue is fixed.
When we thought we’d never see a Bren Mod or an IDW Mod again, 97S Mod made a close attempt at being ranked among those two. Her only salvation is that her Skill 2 isn’t anti synergetic with her kit at least.