Full analysis
She has a passive that, every time she moves, she gains +9 speed. That translates to PM5 always moving as an HG.
Her active Skill gives her 80% of her Armor stat as an Evasion Boost. While that sounds great on paper, especially as SGs have low Evasion, it’s actually greatly hindered by a number of things:
- Her Armor stat. Because she has a base Armor of 20, Armor stacking provides diminishing returns, which consequently means a weaker Skill.
- Her Evasion stat. She has a low base Evasion of 15, a consequence of being an SG, which means that she needs a big Evasion increase for it to be meaningful. As newer enemies either have high Accuracy, or have sure-hit attacks, it is nigh impossible for her to rack up enough Evasion to make a meaningful change in most scenarios an SG is used.
- Actual Evasion stat. As PM5 will equip an Armor Plate, her actual Evasion stat will either be 14, if equipped with Green Armor, or 13, if equipped Gold Armor. As she needs the Armor buff from Plate far more than the extra Evasion, it’s highly recommended to give her an Armor Plate.
- Her Skill’s duration. Not only is her Skill hindered by being based on her Armor value, and being an Evasion buff rather than an Armor buff, it also only lasts 4 seconds, while it has a cooldown of 16s. If only it was an Armor buff...