Amazing Tiles
Welrod MkII’s mod 1 reorients her tiles so she pretty much automatically goes in position 8, where she can buff the entire backline. This means she only conflicts her spot with Px4 Storm and off tanks. Additionally, her tiles get buffed so they give 24% damage and 20% rate of fire, an even bigger improvement on her already strong tiles.
High Base HP
Welrod MkII Mod peaks at 405 HP, which is really high for an HG and synergistic with her skill 2.
High Base Evasion
98 Evasion is also really high for an HG and complements Welrod’s role.
More Applicable Debuff
Not only does Welrod MkII Mod debuff enemy accuracy but also damage by 15%. An additional 30% damage reduction is stacked on top if Welrod is targeting the enemy that’s damaging her. This means Welrod is able to survive more extreme forms of damage.
Insane Situational Survivability
Welrod MkII Mod now has evasion, damage reduction, armor, and a shield that can survive any damage, making her incredibly good at surviving low damage sources and almost immortal once she drops the shield.