3.01 changes
The long rumoured 3.01 client was announced on a live stream for CN server with significant changes to the 2.09 Client, which will be detailed further below.
Some of these changes include Fairy Production overhaul, performance improvements, Battle Pass, among other stuff that we'll cover in this article
Performance changes
From top to bottom:
- Ceia conveniently streamed showing off stuff
- Stress test video 1, invulnerable nightmare deathstack comparison
- Stress test video 2, invulnerable barn factory
- Stress test video 3, water-damaged phone vs nightmare comparison
Performance across the board is massively improved
- No lag on nightmare 4 HOC
- Invincible recce centers didn’t start lagging until 2 minutes, and even then keeps chugging along
General Changes
Main Story and Campaign unique drops
Improved drop rate for main story limited dolls and SPEQs, seems to also apply to permanent campaigns> “Rescue in main line level and permanent event level improved”
Logistics coming back now go on one screen instead of sequential pop-ups, allowing you to resend all at once

Doll changes
Flare HGs now give Night Vision instead of Accuracy:
P38, C96, C96mod give 50/70/90% Night Vision instead of accuracy increase to echelon
Uptime changed to 8/12s, icd still 3s.
General bugfixes
- Minos' skill was bugged.. in some way and is being fixed
- PKP crit damage numbers had weird display
- ACR actual buff was lower than skill description
- 64 Shiki display bug
- 89 Shiki display bug
- QJY-88 accuracy from LMG didn't go away
- TKB was >4 instead of >3, requiring 5 different dolls
- 81R actual buff was lower than skill description
- SV-98 had an issue with mod3 making her skill2 not function correctly
- GM6 Lynx, Tabuk and M6 ASW had search logic and skill description inconsistencies
- C93 rof from passive butterflies had lower effect than skill description
- PM1910 changed from "extends next reload time to 4s" to "extends duration of passive after next reload by 4s"
Moving dolls in battle improvements
An option for tapping dolls in addition to holding has been added.
You can set moving dolls and tapping dolls to different settings.

Options are in order as we currently have on EN: None/Bullet Time/Freeze Time
Note: the HOC system was further revamped in client v3.03, much of the information below is outdated and kept for posterity.
HOC training menu is revamped entirely:

HOC exp training can now be completed instantly with skill training tickets, so it’ll still take time as before unless you want to waste tickets for some reason.

General data still useless, Mica plz.
As well as 2 bugfixes
- 2b14 skill2 apparently worked on force shielded units, nerfed fixed
- Mk153 skill3 was incorrect damage value below max level
Scrap smart select has been upgraded to allow smart selection up to 4* chips like other menus

Coalition changes
- SWAP Ripper skill 1: EVA multiplier 120% -> 200%, FP multiplier 90% -> 100%
- SWAP Dragoon skill 2: Debuff FP multiplier 15% -> 17.5%, debuff ACC multiplier 25% -> 27.5%
- Scarecrow skill3 actual stat debuffs to eva and rof were lower than skill description
- Jaeger swap also counts armor debuff and AP debuff after fix
- Nemeum when reaching max damage on skill2 prevented normal attack damage (50% damage buff when on max damage, post fix)
- Dragoon could trigger skill2 without unlocking skill2
Combat reports
Combat reports gift amount can be input manually.

Echelon formation
When leader slot is empty you can shove leftmost doll into leader slot

3.0 introduced a Battle Pass system to Girls' Frontline, which works quite similarly to Genshin's, for those who also play it.
With every Gacha (and nongacha) getting a Battle Pass, it was a tad surprising that it took this long for Girls' Frontline to get one as well.
Battle Pass was one of the major additions announced during the 3.0 Live on CN server, which means it's likely that EN will get it when 3.0 arrives for us.
For those who play Genshin, the structure is pretty similar:
- There are two Tiers:
- Tier 1: costs ~10$
- Tier 2: costs ~15$, instantly levels up 10 Levels, plus icon and background
- Has 45 levels in total
- Has Daily and Weekly quests
- It's possible to exchange levels for gems (120 gems per level), although it's highly unnecessary
- There are rewards unlocked at certain levels:
- Level 15 lets you pick a 5 star equip of your choice (from a certain pool)
- Level 25 grants you the BP T-Doll Skin
- Level 35 lets you pick a 5 star equip of your choice (from a second pool)
- Level 45 grants you a 5 star T-Doll from a chosen pool. This T-Doll is either someone who's not yet on your index, or picked at random
- When you complete the BP, you can keep earning exp past level 45, each level granting one Additional Rewards ticket which can be redeemed in your armory
- Each Battle Pass lasts for 35 days
- Weeklies grants 25 levels, while the other 20 requiring 4 Dailies per day
- Paid BP bumps up to 33 with extra weekly, thus requiring only 2 Dailies per day for level 45
For more details, including Battle Pass skins and Dailies/Weeklies changes due to its addition, check the Battlepass guide.
Fairy changes
Talents now always proc, effect is proportional to rarity, 5* potency is the same as before:
Damage I: Raise all ally FP by 5/7/9/10/12%
Damage II: 6/8/11/13/15%
Fervor: 4/6/7/9/10% per stack

Illu fairy active skill will also provide some night vision, 10%.
Fairy mods, not yet implemented fully, but possible display:

For now, fairy mods, beyond requiring lvl 100 + 5*, also cost:
200 exp + 100 frag + 2 fire control cores (for 5)
500 exp + 200 frag + 3 FCCs
1000 exp + 500 frag + 5 FCCs
None of this is certain, a new item “Fairy Biscuit” was datamined and is likely to be part of this process, costs and all such are all subject to change and possibly being interpreted wrong as is.
This is all not yet released even on CN, and all is subject to change.
All we know is that there IS a system in place for Fairy Mods, so this is likely to be added in some way, but is also likely to undergo further changes before it releases.
Fairy commands now come at weird intervals and no longer synced for all players due to the changes to base overview, increasing the rate at which you get them rather than increasing amount gained.

Daily quest overhaul

Rewards are now from a daily crate (seen on the bottom right) for finishing any 6 dailies, as well as weekly crates gained by getting enough weekly points, seen at the bar up top
There are 8 dailies a day, 3 weeklies a week (plus 1 weekly from buying Battlepass tier1)
BP is now confirmed to be 5 weeks, so you should be able to get another few levels from weeklies, and require a few less days of dailies to complete it.
Each quest can be rerolled once with the button in the bottom left of the quest itself
New dailies/weekly rewards difference per week:
-2320 MP, -2720 Ammo, -270 Rat, +6580 Parts (This is equalizing all resources, new is 22.4k x4 instead of different between each, so more resources overall but less of mp/ammo)
-5 Equip contracts, -1 Quick prods, -21 quick repairs
+3 cores, +35 batteries, -30 Original Samples, -20 Pure samples, -3 Equip pills, -1 Quick autobattle
Doll contracts, Tokens, Friend points, Calibs, Quick analysis, Sweets, Extra impulse, Svarog all stay the same
Potentially -4300 commander exp per week unless they hid this somewhere
Daily/weekly quest resource comparison
Factory and Fairy Production Overhaul
This should mean no longer RNG to get fairies, massive improvement

Fairy recommended recipes are getting overhauled
Fairies are now properly sectioned into ‘types’ as follows, and recipes reflect this:
- Buff type - command, rescue, illu
- Combat type - warrior, fury
- Defense type - armor, shield, taunt, barrier, twin
- Offense type - sniper, artil, airstrike
- Reinforcement type - defense, reinf, para
- Battlefield type - landmine, rocket, constr, combo
Keep in mind that these ‘types’ seem to have always been a thing production wise, but now has been officially assigned as these ‘types’ as well.

Recommended recipes listed here in order from top to bottom, and which fairies and what fairies should be expected from them (keep in mind that Reinforcement and Battlefield types have the same old breakpoints, these recipes are just the official recommended ones):
- Low cost (500x4): buff = combat = defense = offense
- General use (2221): buff = combat = defense = offense = reinforcement = battlefield
- Buff (750/500/1k/500): buff > combat = defense = offense
- Combat (750/1k/500/500): combat > buff = defense = offense
- Offense (500/1k/750/500): offense > combat > buff = defense
- Defense (1k/750/500/500): defense > combat > buff = offense
- Reinforcement (3k/500/2k/1500): reinforcement > buff = combat = defense = offense
- Battlefield (500/2k/3k/1500): battlefield > buff = combat = defense = offense
Keep in mind that the old recipes we use for Reinforcement and Battlefield types are most likely to be the more resource efficient ways to keep crafting these fairies:
- Reinforcement (2k/500/2k/1k)
- Battlefield (500/2k/2k/1k)
It seems like fairy distribution has always been this way, and with fairies now being guaranteed, it is possible that some of the new recipes might be worth it, but only statistics will tell.
Most likely 500x4 will still be the best for anything outside getting your base fairies (like getting an additional Parachute or two), and should remain the go-to recipe for both newer commanders and anyone going hard on Parachutes.
Heavy equipment will be "temporarily disabled" until they figure out what to do with it

The unlock item that increased Equipment Production Slots previously now increases both Equipment and Fairy Production slots.
The IOP special button was moved to fit better with the UI.

Batch crafting menu was changed to fit their new UI style.

Note that Mica also decided to replace the achievements for HECs with new Fairy crafting ones instead of renaming them, meaning you can earn the rewards again
Base overview
Filling out your base with more units will give progressive actually useful rewards
filling out fairy department increases fairy command regen and so on.
There’s a drop-down in the top right on overview showing your current rewards.

The department pages haven’t changed much, with the new redemption interface being accessible in the top left and an actual description in the bottom left.

New redemption interface, each threshold granting old rewards and every few granting the new bonuses, these add up to the totals listed below.

The reward system is improved somewhat from before 3.0 where it was just collecting X dolls, and leveling the doll (or units) to max now grants further progress. This allows you to avoid having to collect absolutely every doll to gain your bonuses.
Each doll or unit collected for a specific section increases the points as follows:
Doll | Fairy | HOC | Coalition | Other | |
Collection | 10 | 10 | 20 | 20 | 10 |
Level 100 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 |
Other is human personnel (the Commander and Kalina), and as these cannot be put into combat to be killed due to not being repairable, do not have level 100 bonus points.
The maxed out rewards are as follows:
Area | Maxed Reward |
Area S09 Tactical Command Center | Increase Commander EXP gain through combat by 5% |
Frontline Combat Team | Reduce Skill Training time by 11% |
Response Combat Team | Reduce Auto-battle resource cost by 11% |
Border Surveillance Corps | Increase Expedition rewards by 10% |
General Support Team | Reduce the recovery time of Fairy Command Points by 13%Reduce Data Hub Sample generation time by 8% |
Assimilated Forces | Increase Coalition Drill rewards by 7% |
Integrated Logistics Department | Increase Logistics rewards by 11% |
T-Doll Club | Increase dorm Battery generation by 8% |
For specific requirements and breakpoints, see spreadsheet:Organization overview
Icon Revamp
You can select icons and borders separately now:

Miscellaneous Improvements
100% Collapse Juice stuff
New skin reward, old one will be available for exchange with tickets instead

100% CJ new map
100% CJ can change map backgrounds in settings

The new map background is part of the gacha pool.

Friend and NPC echelon fairies
Currently Friend and NPC echelons are capable of using fairy skills (no, none of the NPC ones in campaigns have useful fairy skills as of this time), this seems to possibly be a bug when it comes to Friend Echelons(wait and see if mica removes that), but NPC echelons can now trigger fairy talents.

An NPC echelon with Rescue fairy active (thanks Pengu)

Image displays an M16 Isomer NPC echelon with fairy talent activating (credit to Pengu)
Again, this might be a bug for now and not intended, so we’ll see if this gets fixed to be reliable or removed
Cafe reward preview for posters

New acquisition reward screen

Mail interface

Verify and Repair
Button to manually verify and repair resources has been added, to the left of clear cache

Supposedly clear cache function has been optimized somehow (this might be them adding the verify button, who knows)
Yes this confirms Lee and Kar98k mods in the newest batch on Foreign, see Pengu’s doc on LS if you are interested in this, as this is tied to the Major Event not 3.0.
Index (doll, equip, fairy) will better display acquisition method and will have a jump function by clicking on it instead of having to navigate to the correct menu yourself.
The top one here is construction, the bottom one is rescue from maps.

Clicking the construction button will simply take you to that menu, while clicking on the rescue button will show you a second menu.

And from here you can go directly to where you get the doll from.
The same is true for equipment, showing the source and allowing you to quickly navigate there in the same manner.

Clicking on the button will bring up a second menu where you can select which source map to go to, for most equipment this will be a single map obviously.

This is also true for fairies, if it can be constructed there will be a shortcut to go to construction.

You can view voice lines in index without voice pack being downloaded.
There is a new related story button above acquisition in the index.

Clicking this will bring up a new menu showing all story the doll is part of.

Clicking any of these will take you to the playback section for said story.