Client Update v3.06

To-Do List
There is a new “to-do list” button located in the top-right of your menu screen:

Clicking the button will show the list itself.

Left column then right column:
- Amount of unfarmed event currency and time left for the event
- Daily/weekly progress
- Combat sims that can be done
- Number of logistics sent
- Expedition progress
- Career quest reminder (if you haven’t already finished them)
- Gray Zone progress and timer
- Unwatched cafe stories

Left column then right column:
- Luffberry Chess tickets that can be obtained
- Skin gacha timers
- Protocol Assimilation banner timers and impulse count
Event Currency Limit Carryover
The limit for event currency has been reworked from a fixed 60 per day (120 for some reruns) to being more like Luffberry Chess: if you did not farm all currency for a day, the remaining limit will carryover to the next day’s limit, up to a max of 180 currency. The limit starts at 180 on the first day of an event.
For example:
- Day 1: Event starts with a limit of 180. The day goes by and you only cleared 1 map and got 10 currency.
- Day 2: Since you are already at 170, you go back up to 180 (refresh only gives 10 as 180 is the hard limit). You then farm 160 out of 180 currency, leaving you with 20 unfarmed.
- Day 3: Your limit is now 80 (60 from the usual daily refresh + 20 carryover from Day 2).
Mission Selection UI Update
Map selection UI for Events is smaller. Clicking on a reward shows it in a separate window instead of a little tooltip.

Black Market
FCCs now carry over to future months, so you can no longer miss out on them.

Daily and Weekly quests have been streamlined, with some added, nerfed, or removed entirely.
Daily Quest Changes
- 2 Boss Kills is removed, moved to weekly
- 5 Friend Batteries is removed
Weekly Quest Changes
- 150 Armored Kills is removed
- 3 Luffberry Chess is removed
- 1 Boss Kill is new
- 15 Daily Quests is new
- 15 GZ Node Clears, down from 20
Other Changes
Targeting Tiebreakers
Targeting tiebreakers for enemies have changed slightly again. Details can be found here, but as a general rule (which can have exceptions):
- Frontline targeting remains as it was in client v3.04. If there are multiple possible targets, enemies will tend to prioritize Dolls in the rightmost slots of your echelon.
- Backline targeting is reversed, meaning that if there are multiple possible targets, enemies will instead tend to prioritize the dolls in the leftmost slots of your echelon.
This means that if you plan to fight Jaguars (such as in GZ4), you may want to avoid putting a DPS doll in slot 1 (the leader position) as the Jaguars will prioritize that Doll (or just use P10c on auto).
Floating Point Bug
In client v3.04, there was a floating-point bug with damage reduction buffs and flat damage attacks. For example, Typhon lasers deal a flat 20 damage but DP12’s 25% damage reduction would cause your dolls to take 14 damage instead of 20*0.75 = 15 damage. This bug has been fixed again.