Duping Recommendations and Coalition Mooks
Whether you’re a commander looking to get their echelons ready for future content or a commander who’s hoping to compete for the high spots on the ranking leaderboards, the act of duping, or raising multiple copies of the same T-Doll, is one of the oft-touted ways to help make that easier. From a gameplay standpoint, duping can offer higher return-on-investment than raising only unique T-Dolls. That being said, for most GFL content, duping is by no means mandatory, and many people choose not to dupe for various reasons.
What is duping?
Duping in Girls Frontline is, quite simply, the act of raising multiple copies of the exact same T-Doll. Every G&K T-Doll in your armoury can only be assigned to one echelon at a time, so raising additional copies beyond the first allows that unit to be used in multiple simultaneously deployed echelons.
The vast majority of content in GFL, like all story and event maps including ranking stages, allows duplicate Dolls to be used. At the time of writing, Theater is the only event in GFL that doesn’t allow for dupes to be used, both for Dolls and Fairies. Note that, at the time of writing, duping is not necessary for any content, with the sole exception of competing for the top 5 to 10 placements in so-called "modern" rankings. However, as the difficulty of fights in ranking continues to climb, duping has become far more appealing to those looking to compete in ranking at a high level.
This is based on usage statistics and performance in future rankings
P22 (1-2)
Incredibly versatile with Shields, Evasion and FP buffs to the correct targets.
Permanently farmable in Isomer campaign.
Kolibri (1-2)
Insane amount of buffs from one Doll.
Limited Doll that only shows up by dartboard.
Webley (1-2)
Massively buffs team leader with FP, RoF and CDR.
Limited Doll that only shows up by dartboard.
SAA Mod (1-2)
Consistent FP buffer with repetitive RoF buffs.
Nagant Mod (1-3)
Night FP debuffer and 0icd fp buffer.
Production, common drop.
Mk23 (1-2)
Strongest night FP buffer.
HP-35 (1-2)
At night, passive vulnerability for all enemies, Damage reduction for the entire echelon and even more vulnerability during uptime.
Zip .22 (2)
Zip offers some incredible debuffs with a 1 second ICD, slowing down the enemy and often giving enough time for the Maintank to get their Skill active before being shot at much.
P290 (1-3)
P290 is a Damage debuffing HG who also has extra utility on top of that. Her 25% Damage debuff is lower than Night specialists such as Nagant Mod's 40%, but she also offers 30% Night Vision to the entire Echelon and also stuns all High-Threat enemies once 8 units are within range. Especially the latter one can be absolutely amazing considering how annoying a lot of the High-Threat units are, for example Snytos.
Limited Doll that only shows up by dartboard.
P10c (1-4)
P10C allows you to make the entire Echelon immune to damage for a short moment with each Skill activation. Requires manual control and knowing what you're doing to make good use of.
Walker (1-3)
Makes Murats do nothing. Also has good tiles.
Suomi Mod (2-6)
Easily the strongest SMG tank with massive shields and Damage reduction, immunity to debuffs.
G36c Mod (1-2)
Up to 24 seconds of immunity to Damage.
MPL (1-2)
Strong stacking shields.
Type64 Set (1-3)
Wish you just had free Target dummies every fight? And more of them? This is it.
Gray Zone Set.
SCAR-H (2-14)
Flat RoF buffs for allies and self. Used with SCAR-L for unity skill.
Kar98k Mod (1-2)
Does what Grape does but doesn’t have a non-elite clause. Has current target targeting.
Hanyang Mod (1-2)
Piercing attacks, extra buffs at night.
Grape (1-2)
Nukes an enemy, has a non-elite clause limiting her targets.
SCAR-L (2-14)
Dupable M4Mod, insane additive Damage buff. Needs SCAR-H due to unity skill.
Ribeyrolles Mod (1-2)
Most powerful buffs to ARs. Also increases SMG survivability.
M240L (2-6)
Parachute debuff is now a buff. Surehit, high threat targeting, Damage buffs, overpenetration bonus Damage.
Farmable in LS campaign.
MG15 (1-2)
Rain of bullets from above with Highest HP targeting.
LTLX7000 (2-6)
On activation, powercreep all existing SGs. Knocks back enemies consistently, cleanses buffs, massive Armor buff to self, also has passive Damage reduction.
M500 Mod (1-2)
Shield spam with the correct enablers.
SPAS-15 (1-3)
Massive armor and shield buffs for SGs with the right setup. Also has CDR tiles for SGs and MGs.
Nova (1-2)
Shields allied SGs or buffs MG accuracy depending on position.
FO-12 (2-3)
Eliminates one non-elite, knockback goddess.
DP-12 Mod (1-2)
Massive HP shields, scales flat armor passively as combat progresses.
TPS (2-9)
Reduces allied damage taken, 40% FP Debuff. Incredibly powerful.
Stevens M620 (2-6)
Bunkers allow everyone to move fast, take less damage. Skill makes MGs do 50% more Damage and reload super fast.
SPAS-12 Mod (1-2)
Actually useful after Mod, allowing easier SPAS-15 use. Also has decent DPS output.
All fairies are from production unless otherwise stated.
Parachute (2-14)
Second strongest combat aura, allows you to teleport on the map. Fwee Pawa guide.
Illumination (1-3)
Allows you to see the map at night. Enables more easy use of Parachute at night.
Also has 10% Night Vision. EN skill text is wrong, it has 2 extra nodes of vision at Skill Level 10.
Witch (1-4)
Strongest combat aura, useful Damage over time skill.
Ranking fairy from PR.
Sniper (1-2)
Max HP% Damage with 20k cap. Also applies Vulnerability to her target which increases Damage past the Damage cap.
Shield (1-2)
Applies an HP shield to echelon that buffs both Damage and Damage reduction.
Everything in this section is 1x, or 1-link unless otherwise stated. Fielding 1x units is cheaper but this is purely a brainrot level of optimization for some farming.
Vector (2)
For 13-4 farming.
Rodel immunity for farming, doesn’t need flash.
1s icd massive debuffs to most notably move speed, delaying enemies significantly.
Still does LTLX things even as 1x.
Shields, lots of shields.
Webley (2-link)
Her login SPEQ makes her immune to link-loss for 10 seconds. Should not need to explain how broken this can be for farming. Needs to be 2-link because link protection does not work for mainframe.
Ringleaders cannot be duped, or you’d be incentivised to have 14 Scarecrows.
Key Units
Needed for most general use
Manticore (4+)
Delays enemies, deals AoE Damage, can also tank well with decent armor and evasion.
Nemeum (4+)
Front-targeting ranged Damage dealer.
Aegis SWAP (2-4)
Armor, HP shield and evasion. Pure tanking.
Goliath Factory (3+)
Causes enemies to shoot at reinforcement beans instead of anything more important.
Jaeger (2-4)
Backline-targeting ranged Damage dealer.
Jaguar (2+)
Backline-targeting linksplash Damage dealer.
Notable Units
Used for more specialized echelons
Jaws Paradise (2+)
Summer seasonal variant of Goliath Factory. Has extra utility through buffs for allies and stuns for enemies.
Ripper SWAP (1-2)
Evasion tank with short duration 100% force shields.
Dragoon SWAP (3+)
Massive HP shields, evasion and does good Damage.
Tarantula (4++)
Melee rush Tarantula spam.
Prowler SWAP (4++)
Melee rush shield and buff core.
Jaeger SWAP (2+)
Stronger Jaeger, higher cost.
Gingerbread Guard (1-2)
Significant health increase which also means higher shields compared to SWAP variant.
Dinergate (2)
With only 2 cost, can be easily slapped into echelons to give them a bit more kiting and tanking options, also useful at breaking Orthrus Shields.
Corpse Bride (0-1)
Used for Moth Hunter, not worth raising unless you are actively using her (which is unlikely).
In no particular order… almost all the non-swap units end up here because they’re completely outclassed.
Partially useable units that just don’t see much use, keep 1 max
- Striker SWAP
- Guard SWAP (Completely outclassed by Gingerbread Guard)
- Vespid SWAP
The following are completely useless due to lack of power or significantly stronger variants
- Aegis
- Dragoon
- Brute
- Prowler
- Guard
- Scout
- Vespid
- Ripper
- Striker