New Enemies FP
Nyto - Patroller (Nyto SMG)

Autoattack: Buffs self with MarkA, lasting 999 frames.
Skill1: At the start of battle, grant self MarkC stacks equal to dummy-links.
Skill2: On link-loss, gain 1 second iframes and deduct 1 stack of MarkC.
Skill3: Upon gaining MarkA, remove a stack to gain a 50% Accuracy buff permanently that can stack up to 5 times multiplicatively. (~750% Accuracy buff at 5 stacks.)Additionally, deal 1x DMG to the nearest target, affected by Armor/Evasion.
Extreme Accuracy
Medium Evasion
Nyto - Hammerer

Autoattack: Deal 1x DMG to target, plus 0.5% per missing HP% of target. Has a 30% chance to stun for 2 seconds.
Skill1: Grant self damage reduction equal to 0.5% per missing HP%. (35% damage reduction at 30% HP.)
Low Armor
Nyto - Hawkeye (Sniper Nyto, Snyto, Suffering)

Autoattack: 1x DMG affected by Armor/Evasion, targeting highest current HP.
Skill1: (8s ICD, 8s CD) Aim for 33 frames, then fire a piercing shot towards the highest current HP target, dealing 2x DMG. Affected by Armor, ignores Evasion.
Skill2: Upon reaching 70%/40% HP, gain +20 Range and a Retreat Marker.
Skill3: Upon gaining a Retreat Marker, remove one stack, gain 1 second of iframes and jump back 2 units.
Very High Damage
Nyto - Supporter (Whyto Commander)

Note how DP12 is immune to damage once the buff wears off.
Autoattack: Select a random target and debuff their DMG/RoF by 5% for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times multiplicatively.
Skill1: (8s ICD, 8s CD) Count number of Nytos on the field. Grant all Nytos a (5+#Nytos)% DMG/Acc buff, lasting 5 seconds and stacking up to 5 times.
Skill2: (4s ICD, 8s CD) Count the number of enemies on the field. Grant all Nytos a (10*#Enemies)% Eva buff and (#Enemies) stacks of HP Shields. Each HP Shield stack is equal to 5% of each Nyto’s own max HP. All effects last 5s and stack up to 5 times.
Medium Damage (does not attack)
Garmr (Paradog, White doggo)

Note how M200 cannot kill a single Strelet behind the Garmr.
Autoattack: 1x DMG, ignores Armor and is affected by Evasion.
Skill1: Grant 70% Damage Reduction to allies behind self. Can stack up to 3 times.
Skill2: (15s ICD, 15s CD) Reduce Damage of nearby enemies by 30% for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.
Very High Evasion
High AP