Enemies (Fixed Point)

New Enemies FP

Nyto - Patroller (Nyto SMG)

The bane of Evasion tanking. These annoying little assholes buff their own Accuracy into the stratosphere and then refuse to die, as every time they lose a link they gain iframes for a good second. SG tanks are a must for these.
The bane of Evasion tanking. These annoying little assholes buff their own Accuracy into the stratosphere and then refuse to die, as every time they lose a link they gain iframes for a good second. SG tanks are a must for these.
	Note how AS Val cannot kill any of them, and Suomi’s HP disappears in seconds.
Note how AS Val cannot kill any of them, and Suomi’s HP disappears in seconds.

Autoattack: Buffs self with MarkA, lasting 999 frames.

Skill1: At the start of battle, grant self MarkC stacks equal to dummy-links.

Skill2: On link-loss, gain 1 second iframes and deduct 1 stack of MarkC.

Skill3: Upon gaining MarkA, remove a stack to gain a 50% Accuracy buff permanently that can stack up to 5 times multiplicatively. (~750% Accuracy buff at 5 stacks.)Additionally, deal 1x DMG to the nearest target, affected by Armor/Evasion.

Extreme Accuracy

Medium Evasion 

Nyto - Hammerer

Armored, and have a chance to stun on hit. Overall not a big problem but they can stunlock your tank which can be annoying.
Armored, and have a chance to stun on hit. Overall not a big problem but they can stunlock your tank which can be annoying.

Autoattack: Deal 1x DMG to target, plus 0.5% per missing HP% of target. Has a 30% chance to stun for 2 seconds.

Skill1: Grant self damage reduction equal to 0.5% per missing HP%. (35% damage reduction at 30% HP.)

Low Armor

Nyto - Hawkeye (Sniper Nyto, Snyto, Suffering)

If not immediately killed, jumps out of range, obliterates your team and then jumps a bit further away just to make sure you can’t kill them. Bringing something that can eliminate them immediately is a must.
If not immediately killed, jumps out of range, obliterates your team and then jumps a bit further away just to make sure you can’t kill them. Bringing something that can eliminate them immediately is a must.

Autoattack: 1x DMG affected by Armor/Evasion, targeting highest current HP.

Skill1: (8s ICD, 8s CD) Aim for 33 frames, then fire a piercing shot towards the highest current HP target, dealing 2x DMG. Affected by Armor, ignores Evasion.

Skill2: Upon reaching 70%/40% HP, gain +20 Range and a Retreat Marker.

Skill3: Upon gaining a Retreat Marker, remove one stack, gain 1 second of iframes and jump back 2 units.

Very High Damage

Nyto - Supporter (Whyto Commander)

Buffs other Nyto units significantly. While not usually an immediate threat, still quite annoying needs to be eliminated.
Buffs other Nyto units significantly. While not usually an immediate threat, still quite annoying needs to be eliminated.

Note how DP12 is immune to damage once the buff wears off.

Autoattack: Select a random target and debuff their DMG/RoF by 5% for 5 seconds. Stacks up to 10 times multiplicatively.

Skill1: (8s ICD, 8s CD) Count number of Nytos on the field. Grant all Nytos a (5+#Nytos)% DMG/Acc buff, lasting 5 seconds and stacking up to 5 times.

Skill2: (4s ICD, 8s CD) Count the number of enemies on the field. Grant all Nytos a (10*#Enemies)% Eva buff and (#Enemies) stacks of HP Shields. Each HP Shield stack is equal to 5% of each Nyto’s own max HP. All effects last 5s and stack up to 5 times.

Medium Damage (does not attack)

Garmr (Paradog, White doggo)

Anything behind them takes so much less damage that frontline targeting is basically a requirement. These things absolutely shred SG tanks, so Evasion tanking is a necessity.
Anything behind them takes so much less damage that frontline targeting is basically a requirement. These things absolutely shred SG tanks, so Evasion tanking is a necessity.

Note how M200 cannot kill a single Strelet behind the Garmr.

Autoattack: 1x DMG, ignores Armor and is affected by Evasion.

Skill1: Grant 70% Damage Reduction to allies behind self. Can stack up to 3 times.

Skill2: (15s ICD, 15s CD) Reduce Damage of nearby enemies by 30% for 5 seconds, stacking up to 3 times.

Very High Evasion 

High AP