New Enemies MS
Defender (Switchaxe/Punisher)

Autoattack: Deal 2x DMG to target and 1x DMG to tile behind target.
Skill1: Has 50% Damage Reduction while moving.
Hymnal Organ (Cherub)

Autoattack: Target the lowest link count target in range and deal 1x DMG that ignores Armor to them and applies a mark for 55 min. Up to 10 marks.Deals additive 25% more Damage per link below 5 for the target and 5% additive more Damage per mark on the target. The two effects are multiplicative with eachother.
Quill of Patmos (Visjnoe)

Autoattack: None.
Skill1: (9s ICD, 10s CD) Cast for 2s, remove all standard multiplicative debuffs from allies. Also grant all allies an HP Shield equal to 6% of the Quill’s max HP for 6 seconds.
Skill2: (6s ICD, 10s CD) Cast for 2s, remove all standard multiplicative buffs from enemies. Also decrease enemies’ DMG by 10% for 5s.
Standard multiplicative buffs:
DMG | Damage |
Eva | Evasion |
Acc | Accuracy |
RoF | Rate of Fire |
Mov | Movement Speed |
CRate | Crit Rate |
Armor | Armor |
HP Shield | HP Shield |
Dmg Red | Damage Reduction |
CDmg | Crit Damage |
Standard multiplicative debuffs:
DMG | Damage |
Eva | Evasion |
Acc | Accuracy |
RoF | Rate of Fire |
Mov | Movement Speed |
CRate | Crit Rate |
Armor | Armor |