Enemies (Mirror Stage)

New Enemies MS

Defender (Switchaxe/Punisher)

Tanky until it stops, hits the current target and behind them.
Tanky until it stops, hits the current target and behind them.

Autoattack: Deal 2x DMG to target and 1x DMG to tile behind target.

Skill1: Has 50% Damage Reduction while moving.

Hymnal Organ (Cherub)

Damage scales as they hit the target multiple times, as well as increasing damage the lower link the link count of their target. Link counts below 4 means swift death.
Damage scales as they hit the target multiple times, as well as increasing damage the lower link the link count of their target. Link counts below 4 means swift death.

Autoattack: Target the lowest link count target in range and deal 1x DMG that ignores Armor to them and applies a mark for 55 min. Up to 10 marks.Deals additive 25% more Damage per link below 5 for the target and 5% additive more Damage per mark on the target. The two effects are multiplicative with eachother.

Quill of Patmos (Visjnoe)

It sees your buffs. You are no longer buffed.
It sees your buffs. You are no longer buffed.

Autoattack: None.

Skill1: (9s ICD, 10s CD) Cast for 2s, remove all standard multiplicative debuffs from allies. Also grant all allies an HP Shield equal to 6% of the Quill’s max HP for 6 seconds.

Skill2: (6s ICD, 10s CD) Cast for 2s, remove all standard multiplicative buffs from enemies. Also decrease enemies’ DMG by 10% for 5s.

Standard multiplicative buffs:

RoFRate of Fire
MovMovement Speed
CRateCrit Rate
HP ShieldHP Shield
Dmg RedDamage Reduction
CDmgCrit Damage

Standard multiplicative debuffs:

RoFRate of Fire
MovMovement Speed
CRateCrit Rate