New Enemies PL

Autoattack: Deal 0.5x DMG that ignores Armor, is affected by Eva.
Skill1: If an HP Shield is active, perform a cleave attack instead of a normal autoattack. Deals 0.6x DMG that is affected by Armor and Eva. Enemies attacked by cleave have their DMG and Mov reduced by 30% for 5s, the attack does not need to land.
Skill2: (4s ICD, 8s CD) Grant self an HP Shield equal to 20% of max HP for 8s.
Skill3: When reaching 30% HP, gain 50% Dmg Red as well as reducing Mov by 99%. Can no longer attack.

Autoattack: None.
Skill1: (4.33s ICD, 9s CD) After a 50f delay, grant all allies an HP Shield equal to 6% of self max HP for 6s.

Autoattack: None.
Skill1: (1s ICD, 4s CD) Fire 5 bullets at a random target, prioritizing Taunt. Each bullet deals 0.3x DMG and is affected by Armor and Eva.
Skill2: (3s ICD, 8s CD) Fire a smoke grenade at a random enemy that lasts for 5s, prioritizing Taunt. Enemies in the smoke have their RoF and Mov decreased by 30%, can stack up to 5 times from multiple smoke grenades.
Skill3: (6s ICD, 8s CD) Aim at the nearest enemy for 59f, then fire cannon to deal 1x DMG to the target and 0.4x DMG to the tile behind the target. Affected by Armor and Eva.