How to Use GFAlarm

How to Use GFAlarm


GFAlarm is a program by the Korean user Kchang06, allowing you to track pretty much all the timers related to GFL. It also has additional functionality that will be covered in detail below.


GFAlarm is posted on dcinside (a korean forum): 

Scroll down to the Download section and download the latest version.

Make a folder for GFAlarm either on your Desktop or in one of your drives.

Run GFAlarmUpdater.exe, accept running the program, click the Update button when it shows the patch notes (patch notes are only provided in Korean, but the program has English UI.

After it is finished updating (this may take a while, depending on traffic and internet connection), change the language to English (or other if preferred) in the options as follows:

After restarting the program, it should now be in your preferred language and you can start using it.

Note that you may need to exclude the folder from your antivirus (GFAlarm does redirect traffic from another program).

Setting Up

This differs a bit depending on device, though most modern versions will simply have this available in your settings menu as an easy and quick option. Below are some examples of various Emulators or Mobile Devices.

Modern Emulator

Simply copy the GFAlarm proxy details into your Emulator’s WiFi Proxy settings.



As with a modern emulator, simply copy the GFAlarm proxy settings into your device’s WiFi proxy settings, as shown below:

Orange Mumu

This is an extremely old version of mumu that doesn’t rely on newer functionality, and is very hard to install (needing to install CN version, finding a game that still uses it… then actually getting it to run). If you aren’t already using Orange Mumu, you probably shouldn’t be using Orange Mumu.

You then need to dig through the folders where you installed this mumu version and find the correct .bat file, where you direct it to set your proxy.

For example, a mihoyo game was used to install orange mumu here, and the .bat file is named com.miHoYo.bh3.uc.bat (this will differ depending on how you installed orange mumu).

Running this .bat file, you will get an empty command prompt:

Insert as shown here: settings put global http_proxy

Then insert your entire proxy IP/port after this.

Clicking enter will then set the proxy. To remove the proxy, enter the above without any IP/port.

Mumu Nebula

Mumu Nebula works almost the same as Orange Mumu, except the nebula.bat file is easily found under MuMuNebula/emulator/nebula. Functionality is the same: Run it, enter proxy, enter.


Lol. Lmao, even.

Bluestacks explicitly makes it very very difficult to use proxies because they view it as a “nurr proxy only exist to do bad things in games”. Recommendation? Use a better emulator. Bluestacks sucks.

What Can GFAlarm Do

GFAlarm makes it easy to track your logistics, resources, see what you’ve crafted (without knowing the timers), see Dorm Battery timers, make sure you pick up your Share Gems and so on.

Customize Target Practice

Have you run into enemies where the Target Save button is disabled? Or it just doesn’t exist? 

Or you just wanna test an enemy team deep in a Night Map?

GFAlarm allows you to ignore this restriction. As long as you have the ID for an enemy team (you can easily find them on GFLMaps, or you can use the built-in Minimap functionality in GFAlarm), you can put it into Target Practice through the Packet Forger (found in Proxy Settings).

Example of IDs selected for testing. Note separation by comma, no spaces.

You can also apply Battlefield Effects here, if needed.

Minimap Tool

The Minimap tool allows you to see the current state of the map you’re on (or others, through the selection dropdown at the top), inspect enemies and overall is incredibly handy, especially so for Ranking and planning movement.

File Save

GFAlarm also allows you to save all your account info into files (csv or tsv) that can then be used for spreadsheets or other tools to keep track of things easier (GFL is a spreadsheet game, after all). 

This functionality also extends to Theater optimization, calculating which Dolls with which Equipment you should bring to Theater (details on this can be found on the Theater pages).

Packet Blocker

Packet Blocker allows you to prevent fights from sending the “complete” message to the servers without you approving it. This is mostly used for very volatile fights in Ranking where you can fail before you can react (and thus can’t restart). As of GFAlarm v3.3.4.0, this also works for Vehicles.

Perfect Armory for Testing

If you’ve ever wanted to test Dolls that you do not currently have maxed out, GFAlarm also includes Battle Simulator functionality, allowing you to bring a ‘Perfect Armory’ into target practice.

Sims, EN and KR

You can inject fight IDs directly into your client, bypassing the need to save them manually. This also allows you to fight things you usually can’t save in target practice.

Customize Target Practice

Simply enable the option under Packet Forger and enter your fight IDs, then log back in. This will force the IDs you’ve chosen into your Target Practice list.

Battle Simulator

The Battle Simulator allows you to use a set of preset max level Dolls and Fairies to test whatever fight you had in mind.

An example of doing this can be found here: 


To use this on KR, simply enable Battle Simulator in the proxy settings and connect to KR Client. You may need to connect twice if it throws a code:3 (or read below on how to fix code:3s).

For EN, there’s a little bit more that needs to be done:

  1. Ensure Battle Simulator and related features are turned OFF.
  2. Settings > File Save > Save User Info must be enabled.
  3. Log in to update your user_info.json file.
  4. Go to the GFAlarm folder and go into the Info folder. Find your userinfo file (formatted as [username]_[userID]_user_info.json).
  5. Copy the user_info.json file, then go to the main GFAlarm folder again, then navigate to Resource\simulator\Index and paste the user_info.json file.
  6. Delete index.json.
  7. Rename your user_info.json file to index.json.
  8. You may now enable Battle Simulator and restart your GFL EN Client. Upon connecting, you will be in the Battle Simulator version.

Note that while Battle Simulator is enabled you cannot do any normal gameplay. Make sure to disable Battle Simulator when you are done to connect to the proper GFL servers.

An example of this setup (as well as fixing code:3s and HOC Setup) can be found here: 

Other Things

If you’re a TW player, this requires a modified client, which can be found here: 


This happens when the client asks the server (which in this case is Battle Simulator) for a response, and doesn’t get the correct response. There is functionality to solve these, but as it can change with patches, you must do these yourself.

If you just want a reduction in code:3s, randomqwerty has made a compilation of common responses that should fix most code:3s.

  1. Download this zip file: 
  2. Open the zip file, open the responses folder inside to see all the folders.
  3. Extract all these folders to GFAlarm\Resource\simulator\
  4. Overwrite any existing folders/files.

This should fix most of the code:3s for general testing purposes.

Simming with fully raised HOCs

In order to use raised HOCs in Battle Simulator, you need files that match your UID used for the Battle Simulator. If you want to use fully raised ones, here’s how to set that up easily:

  1. Download this zip file: 
  2. Open the zip file.
  3. Extract the two files inside to GFAlarm\Resource\simulator\Index\index
  4. Overwrite existing files.
  5. Open each file (squad_with_user_info.json and chip_with_user_info.json) and do the following:
  6. Find the user_id field in the file (this should be 562858).
  7. Use your text editor’s Find and Replace functionality (ctrl-H with Notepad++).
  8. Find the user_id already in the file, replace it with your own user ID that you have from the user_info.json file. Replace all entries of user_id (Replace All button).
  9. Save the file.

If you now log in with Battle Simulator enabled, you should have all HOCs fully maxed.