Girls' Frontline Setting Exploration: Relic History


In Girls’ Frontline “Relic” is a term often used to refer to both individual technologies and entire structural facilities left behind by an unknown civilization which inhabited Earth before the advent of mankind.  Whether this civilization is alien, or simply an advanced ancestor of humanity (or both) has not been revealed, yet.

These ruins and artifacts have been discovered all over the world, and the full capabilities of the technologies are still largely beyond the comprehension of the current humanity.

History of Relics


  • In 1905, Tsarist Russia was the first nation to discover a Relic site near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Yeniseysk Governorate. Lomonosov State University of Moscow served as the research headquarters and answered directly to the Kremlin. On June 30th 1908, due to a mishandling in the facility, a detonation occurred when control of the reactor within was lost. This was known as the Tunguska Event and is the first recorded disaster involving Relic technology.

This carries the same name of a real moment in history, the Tunguska Event, featured in the same location and on the same date. The difference between these two occurrences is that in Girls’ Frontline this event was caused by the misuse of Relic technology. The real explosion is believed to have been caused by the airburst of a small asteroid or comet, but is otherwise an unexplained phenomenon.

1920s - 1930s

  • The Soviet Union's reign stabilized in the 1920s following the Russian Revolution and World War I, allowing the Kremlin to gradually resume their exploration of Relics. However, their progress was once again halted as international tensions worsened and The Great Purge began.
  • Todt, an occult-obsessed organization of the Third Reich excavated a Relic in the Nordhausen region in Leipzig during the 1920s to ‘30s. It was known as the First Relic (Urkunde-01) and would later become the foundation for all Soviet Relic weapons.

In real history, Organization Todt was a civil and military engineering organization. Infamous for using forced labour of POWs and other captives. The Girls’ Frontline version may be a combination of both the real Todt, and the Thule Society, which was occult-obsessed, but has yet to be mentioned in any Girls’ Frontline materials.


  • In 1945 during the last year of World War II, the US busied themselves collecting research and personnel related to nuclear research while the Soviets secured any research on Relics from the Third Reich, including the complete Relic site, Urkunde-01 housed underneath the Nordhausen-Harz mountains.

  The Germans discovered that Urkunde-01 was a sort of production facility and contained many dangerous, and unknown substances. Drilling into crystalline capsules triggered a detonation which reduced several research facilities nearby to ashes. Following this incident, Dr. Josef Mendele discovered the contents of these containers could induce a deadly disease, ELID. Mendele’s surrender brought with it a critical contribution to the Soviets with his testimony which allowed them to understand the dangers of Collapse Fluid.

  • As World War II came to a close, the First Relic was secured and transported along with its pertinent data to the Soviet Union by the singularly-tasked "Russian Alsos". It was this units mission to find and secure any relic-related spoils of war. The data gained from by the Soviets heightened the progress of nuclear weapons development within the Soviet Union. At the same time, the information regarding V-type missiles progressed the aerospace engineering of Russia.
  • The remains of a flying machine were discovered within the OKB-456 Relic in 1947. This sample allowed Almaz-Antey, a Russian state-owned arms company, to advance Soviet Anti-Air missile technology.
  • In the late 1940s the Soviets saw a breakthrough at the Tabasar-B Relic site that would later be developed into the “Pike” weapon system. This breakthrough involved materials recovered from the First Relic using the electronic interfaces within Tasabar-B to repair themselves and decompose their surroundings. It was unknown how this mechanism worked or what characteristic of these materials allowed them erase anything around them. Even though the Soviets did not yet have a working knowledge of this relic phenomenon, they knew it could produce for them an ultimate weapon. The facility at the site was known as the “Starfish” facility which produced these prototypes and later successors.


  • The Warsaw Pact was signed in 1955, allowing the Americans to have their spies infiltrate Eastern Europe during the confusion and learn of the existence of Tabasar-B. In the same year Relic D-1 was discovered within American borders, resulting in Washington setting up its own Relic research agency - ARPA, Advanced Research Projects Agency.
  • The west eventually discovered the "Starfish" facility at Tabasar through high-altitude surveillance and the American President then “blackmailed” Capitol Hill for additional funding for ARPA with news of the Soviet’s progress.
  • Funding to the Tabasar-B relic facility increased in 1955 amidst the discovery of the relic by American spies. The latest model of ternary-logic computer “Сетунь” (Setun) was deployed at the facility at the same time.


  •   The OGAS system is first developed in 1960, a nationwide network based off Relic technology.
  •  On January 28th, 1961 the facility at Tabasar-B successfully produced what could be called the prototype for the “Pike” Relic weapon system. The Moscow State University named these objects “Идиот” (Moron). The machines were placed within a shielded room full of Collapse Fluid, absorbing all of the Collapse Fluid and decomposing any metal objects into pure, mono-elemental powder at the same time.
  • The Soviet Union unveiled “Moron” during the 1961 October Revolution Parade, and the next day President Kennedy announced that the Apollo program would be abandoned and funding would be diverted into exploring the “Relic civilization”.
  • The prototype control system for the “Moron” Relic weapon, “Емеля- 1” (Emelya-1) completed successful testing on June 22nd, 1962.
  • Soviet ballistic missile deployment and the stationing of the newly tested “Moron” units in Cuba following a meeting with Castro led to the Cuban Moron Crisis. The American government’s lack of information regarding Relic technology forced them to withdraw their nuclear warheads from Europe in exchange for the Soviets removing “Moron” from Cuba.

  This is a direct parallel to the real historical event, the Cuban Missile Crisis. At this point, the American government decreased their expenditure on conventional forces and went “all in” on Relic technology. The level of investment could’ve been considered irrational, but American Relic weapon development grew by leaps and bounds over a short period of time as a result.  

  • The German Democratic Republic tasked various departments to research the origins and capabilities of Relic technology after the unveiling of the Relic weapon "Moron" in Cuba by the Soviets in October 1962.

  Markus Wolf, Director of the Foreign Intelligence Bureau of the Ministry of National Security, was lead of the project tasked with researching the excavated remains of the First Relic (Urkunde-01) after their Soviet allies had already pulled out anything of value from within.

The site was a massive hollow in the Nordhausen mountains and its entrance was sealed by two heavy steel doors. The inside was roughly seven stories tall, and the walls of the cave looked to be made of some kind of metal. Irregular indentations at 120-degree angles were found on the walls. These grooves were triple matched sets.  

  •   Skunk Works, a US aircraft manufacturer, reverse engineered a piece of wreckage found in a Relic in 1964 and developed a new type of thruster, the J58.
  • On December 19th, 1965, the First Relic (Urkunde-01) produced feedback in response to electrical signals emitted by the Germans to the grooves on the walls. They discovered that the Relic used a kind of ternary electromagnetic signal for external communications.
  • In 1965 the successor of the J58 thruster, the J64, was outfitted on the SR-71A which allowed the US to perform high-altitude reconnaissance. It was later put to use on high altitude bombers through the Altitude High-Speed Strategic Bomber Project.
  • In November of 1967, Collapse Fluid was discovered in the D9-Beta-Zuma Relics by the Americans. The ARPA immediately entered a testing period to verify the dangerous characteristics of Collapse Fluid.

Following trials which lasted for 9 months, the Americans were the first to directly use Collapse Fluid in warfare after the President signed the order to bomb North Vietnam with the substance.

The Thunderbolts Squadron from the USS Enterprise completed their first bombing with Relic gas on the 5th of July. The gas exhibited targeted corrosion of organic matter, and produced heat over 1000 degrees during the process. The bombing sites were saturated with ionizing radiation so powerful that even the surveillance plane flying at 2000 meters was exposed to it.

  • The US conducted analysis of a ship propulsion wreckage found in Relic D-51, resulting in the development of a new propulsion system for Destroyers and Submarines in 1969. This new system reduced propulsion system noise, and it gave Destroyers a wider sonar detection radius. American nuclear subs were now capable of stalking beneath the waves like silent ghosts thanks to this new breakthrough.
  • The GAVIRUL unknown lifeform sample is discovered at the Beilan Island Relic site. The sample is put into storage for the next 30 years.







The GAVIRUL Project of the 1960s began when the corpse of an unknown lifeform was discovered within the Beilan Island Relic site in Shanghai. This life form was speculated to be an intelligent member of its race and the sole sample was dubbed “GAVIRUL”.

Thinking this sample was unimportant, it was put into storage and forgotten about for over 30 years. Research into this sample was restarted in 1992 when the United Nations Relic Agency was founded. The project was misguided and lacked leadership from the beginning, with the two factions within the UNRA wanting to take different paths concerning Relic research. Eventually the proposal to focus on producing human-hybrid embryos from the GAVIRUL sample gained acceptance and the project was successfully launched as a means of becoming a bridge to better understand Relics and the civilization from which they came.

Embryos had a 98.9% mortality rate due to the unstable nature of the genes. Only two subjects survived in the end. The two survivors were different in appearance due to the difference in egg cells used. The two were designated as Observational Subject G-37, of European descent, and Observational Subject G-114, of Eastern descent. G-37’s hair was white because of a genetic deficiency while G-114’s hair was black. The research institute later renamed the project the “Black Lily and White Rose Project”, from which the sisters were named “Lily” and “Rose”, who were no different than ordinary humans in their infancy.

The subjects' metabolic processes were much faster than normal humans. At the age of 7, the sisters appeared to be the age of 14. Lily and Rose exhibited no particularly special developments by the 15th year of the project beyond enhanced strength and cognition. After 20 years the project was deemed a failure as neither of the sisters could produce any reaction within the Beilan Island Relic. The remaining embryos and research were then put into cold storage.

Scattered reports suggest the sisters may have participated in Anti-ELID operations because of the unique nature of their bodies, but there is no way to know if their actions directly or indirectly resulted in the Beilan Island Incident, or if they were even present at the time. After World War III broke out, the loss of data surrounding the two sisters leaves the full details of their fates unknown.

Geneva Gazette

“We hereby declare the end of an era, an era known as the Cold War, an era where two sides took part in total military, economic, and political conflict against each other. In the face of this global danger that rises beyond race and nations, both sides have chosen to set aside their prejudices and ideologies. We will, and we have to unite to ensure the continuation of the human race. It is with that spirit that both sides now sign this gazette.”

Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov
Ronald Wilson Reagan