Enemy Introduction Hub
There are a LOT of enemies in GFL. As they all are quite different and often require being dealt with in different ways, this page is a collection of all the enemies, sorted by the Major Event they were introduced in.
Bosses in general are too complicated for this and will not be included. Smashers are the exception as it's used almost like a regular enemy. Quick notes on other bosses may be included at a future time.
Any enemy with a default autoattack (1x DMG, affected by Armor/Eva) will not have it listed.
As there are simply too many enemies to have on a single page, they have been divided by when they were introduced.
Base GFL Enemies
Drone, Prowler, Scout, Ripper, Dinergate, Vespid, Jaeger, Guard, Dragoon, Jaguar, Nemeum, Aegis, Manticore
Arctic Warfare Enemies
Chapter 8 Enemies
Brute, Striker, Tarantula
Deep Dive Enemies
Goliath, Red Self-Explosion Enemy
Chapter 10 and Singularity Enemies
Nightmare, Cyclops AR, Cyclops SG, Hydra, Aegis GA, Cerynitis, Dactyl, Typhon
Continuum Turbulence Enemies
Strelet, Rodelero, Doppelsöldner, Uhlan, ELID Infected Armed, ELID Infected Unarmed, BOSS Zombie
Isomer Enemies
Prowler SWAP, Jaeger SWAP, Guard SWAP, Dragoon SWAP, Striker SWAP, Aegis SWAP
Shattered Connexion Enemies
Gladiator, Patroller, Gunner, Abandoned Isomer, Pyxis, RecceCentre, Pathfinder, Centaurus, Othrus, Minotaurus
Polarized Light Enemies
Kratos, Acheron, Coeus
Dual Randomness Enemies
Ripper SWAP, Vespid SWAP, Brute SWAP, Nemeum SWAP
Mirror Stage Enemies
Defender, Hymnal Organ, Quill of Patmos
Poincaré Recurrence Enemies
Asklepian, Aceso's Flask, Sentinel, Maccabee, Hannibal, Grenadier, Murat, Eleusinian Mysteries
Fixed Point Enemies
Nyto - Patroller, Nyto - Hammerer, Nyto - Hawkeye, Nyto - Supporter, Garmr
Longitudinal Strain Enemies
Aegis GA SWAP, Cerynitis SWAP, Lycaon, Cyclops MG, Aspis
Slow Shock Enemies
Artillery, Mechanical Spiders, Engineer, Fortress, Ladon